Other Publications

Summer 2023 Newsletter
Eyes of Paint Branch volunteers have been busy protecting our local watershed. Our Board of Directors would like to highlight for you some of our recent activities.

Biodiversity Survey
Inventory of Biodiversity and Significant Habitats in the Paint Branch Watershed By John M. Parrish, Field Botanist/Ecologist
Read the full story.

Restoring Paint Branch
This brochure covers the environmental properties of the paint branch, biological conditions, living creatures, chronological highlights and an action agenda.

ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES: Eastern Montgomery County Master Plan Areas
Published by Maryland National Capital Park & Planning Commission Montgomery County Department of Park and Planning in 1996. Download the PDF
This technical report contains technical and historical background to support the environmental recommendations of the four Eastern Montgomery County master plans: Four Corners, White Oak, Cloverly and Fairland. Each separate master plan should be consulted for the specifica area environmetal conditions, issues, protections and recommendations.

Montgomery Trail Article
Published by Patuxent Publishing's "Free Press" on June 20, 1991. Read the article.
"We are not saving the trout because of its commercial value, or even because of its recreational value. We are saving the trout as an indicator species."

Watershed Planning Study
This report documents the current conditions of the upper Paint Branch stream system, projecting future conditions through analysis of current and potential recommendations formulated by an interagency work group for employing various watershed management measures withinin each major subwatershed within this area.