Our Mission

“Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that has.”
- Margaret Mead
The Eyes of Paint Branch was formed in 1994 to preserve and enhance the ecology of the Paint Branch. We are a grass-roots organization of volunteer citizens devoted to preserving the Paint Branch through education, community awareness, and action.
The Eyes of Paint Branch organizes community activities such as stream cleanups, field trips, bird walks, and tree plantings, and public education. Members are actively involved with monitoring the condition of the stream and coordinating with biologists and various organizations to ensure that the Paint Branch gets as much protection as possible.
Members also write letters to elected officials and testify at public hearings when important issues are being addressed. Publications of the Eyes of Paint Branch include the newsletter "My Backyard," periodic bulletins, and short-fused releases called "Action Alerts." We also participate with other organizations such as Trout Unlimited on projects like the Embrace-A-Stream Project.
Looking Forward
Even with these conservation efforts, the Paint Branch is seriously threatened by residential development, as well as the Intercounty Connector - a superhighway that may be built through the heart of its most pristine waters.
The Eyes of Paint Branch is always looking for people who are willing to help protect this irreplaceable treasure. Please contact us if you would like to find out more about how you can help preserve the Paint Branch, and ultimately, the Chesapeake Bay.